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Bicycle Wheel Repair and Assembly (BIKE 2010)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course covers the critical bicycle wheel system. You will learn the theory and implementation of the wire spoke wheel. You will cover evaluation, repair, and new wheel construction. You will discuss the component selection process and demonstrate the assembly of wheels from scratch.
Topical Outline:
1. Spoked Wheel Theory
2. Wheel Truing and Repair
3. Wheel Building
Learning Outcomes:
1. Describe static and dynamic forces in a wire spoked wheel.
2. Demonstrate how to adjust spoke tension to repair wheels.
3. Select and install new spokes into a complete, damaged wheel.
4. Able to lace and tension a new wheel from parts.
BIKE 1000,
BIKE 1010,
BIKE 1020,
BIKE 1030, and
BIKE 1040
BIKE 2020,
BIKE 2030, and
BIKE 2040