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Monitoring and Introduction to Therapeutic Interventions (PSOM 1500)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
In this course, you will learn the principles of monitoring and therapeutic interventions in Polysomnography. Theory concepts will be reinforced in the lab setting. Topics include the production of high-quality recordings and the principles of PAP titration and oxygen therapy. You will also learn to respond to recording artifacts and complications of PAP and oxygen therapies.
Topical Outline:
1. Physiological calibrations and data validity
2. Optimize the polysomnogram by systematically troubleshooting and altering amplifier settings, lead derivations, and the testing environment
3. Analyze and report sleep studies
4. Describe the principles and contraindications of PAP and oxygen therapies
5. Initiate and titrate PAP and oxygen therapies and respond appropriately to related complications
Learning Outcomes:
1. Verify physiological calibrations and data validity
2. Optimize the polysomnogram by systematically troubleshooting and altering amplifier settings, lead derivations, and the testing environment
3. Analyze and report sleep studies
4. Describe the principles and contraindications of PAP and oxygen therapies
5. Initiate and titrate PAP and oxygen therapies and respond appropriately to related complications
PSOM 1100,
PSOM 1200, and
PSOM 1300
PSOM 1400