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Anatomy and Physiology of Sleep and Breathing (PSOM 1200)

Total Credits: 2
Lecture Credits: 2

Description: In this course, you will learn neurological and respiratory structure and function as it relates to sleep across the lifespan. Topics include circadian sleep/wake rhythms and the bioelectrical signals generated within the body. An introduction to normal human sleep staging is also included. Course meets the first eight weeks of the term.

Topical Outline:
1. Brain structure and function as it relates to the generation of sleep and circadian rhythms
2. Generation of bio-potentials in the recording of EEG, EOG, EMG and ECG
3. Normal physiological changes related to sleep-wake states across the lifespan
4. Mechanics of breathing and ventilatory drive
5. Cardio-respiratory structure and function as it relates to polysomnography

Learning Outcomes:
1. Recognize brain structure and function as it relates to the generation of sleep and circadian rhythms
2. Explain the generation of bio-potentials in the recording of EEG, EOG, EMG and ECG
3. Summarize normal physiological changes related to sleep-wake states across the lifespan
4. Explain the mechanics of breathing and ventilatory drive
5. Describe cardio-respiratory structure and function as it relates to polysomnography

Prerequisites:  Admission to the Polysomnographic Technology Program, BIOL 2224 or BIOL 1127 and BIOL 1128
Co-requisites:  PSOM 1100