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Topics in Library and Information Technology (LIBT 1410)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
This course provides an opportunity to study a variety of topics in library and information technology. Possible topics include studies of collection development, management, online privacy and the role of libraries, trends in social media and relevant technologies.
Topical Outline:
1. Explore various topics such as studies of collection development, management, online privacy and the role of libraries, trends in social media and relevant technologies
2. Discuss implications of the issues examined
3. Explore implications of various topics
4. Other content as appropriate
Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the topics examined
2. Discuss implications of the topics examined
Placement into
ENGL 1110 or completion of
ENGL 0900 or
ENGA 0900 or
ESOL 0051 or LIBT Instructor Approval
LIBT 1100,
LIBT 1200, and
LIBT 1300