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Public Information Services (LIBT 1300)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
This course surveys all aspects of library and information agency public services, including circulations, interlibrary loans, reserves, reference and research services, and children's and young adult services. You will explore the philosophy, policies, and procedures of each service area and how they interrelate.
Topical Outline:
1. Delivery of Excellent Customer Service in the Library
2. Reference and Research Services
3. Circulation Services
4. E-Resources and Media Collections
5. Document Delivery and Library Reserves
6. Operational Issues in Library Programs and Services (legal aspects, ethical aspects, staffing and safety aspects)
Learning Outcomes:
1. Discuss the characteristics of good customer service in library operations
2. Explore the role of public services in the operations of a library or information agency
3. Explore the different functions of paraprofessionals in the operations of public services
4. Explore the use of social media and library outreach programs as functions public service
5. Articulate an understanding of document delivery and library reserve processes
6. Operational issues in library programs and services
Placement into
ENGL 1110 or completion of
ENGL 0900 or
ENGA 0900 or
ESOL 0051 or LIBT Instructor Approval
LIBT 1100,
LIBT 1200, and
LIBT 1410