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Video 1 (PHMO 1280)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course provides Photography and Motion students with the basic video production skills necessary to produce digital media presentations involving motion, audio, and still photography. You will capture HD video and still images with digital SLRs (HD-SLR’s) and you will capture audio with external recording devices. You will use video editing software to edit these captured media assets into short presentations for classroom- and internet-presentation.
Topical Outline:
1. Fundamental video capture using digital camera
2. Fundamental audio capture using external recorders
3. Video concepts and terminology
4. Basic video editing with industry standard software
5. Basic industry standard video product
6. Video output using industry standard specifications
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand basic video capture equipment
2. Understand basic audio capture equipment
3. Apply basic video editing skills with industry standard software
4. Apply video concepts and terminology to video output.
5. Assemble video tools and equipment to meet criteria of video assignments
6. Evaluate video output using professional standards.
PHMO 1010 and
PHMO 1030