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Human Diseases and Pharmacology (MEDS 1245)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
This course introduces the diagnosis and treatment of the most common diseases and disorders affecting the various body systems. You will learn to distinguish between infectious, communicable, congenital, and neoplastic diseases. You will also learn the nature of diseases and signs and symptoms of specific diseases processes and how the healthcare provider might diagnose and treat the disease and the consequences for the patient. You will be introduced to diagnostic tests, treatment modalities, and medication protocols. You will be introduced to drugs and drug classes including forms and categories for common brand and generic drug names as well as routes of administration and documentation requirements. You will get an overview of basic principles and language of pharmacology and laboratory medicine. You will cover laboratory tests to explore indications, techniques, expression of values and significance of findings. Must be taken A-F.
Topical Outline:
1. Etiology
2. Signs, symptoms and treatment modalities
3. Prognoses and prevention
4. Common drug classes, forms, dosages, and routes of administration
5. Common tests in pathology and laboratory medicine
6. Pharmacologic and laboratory terminology
Learning Outcomes:
1. Explain various methods of disease prevention
2. Identify symptoms, cause, diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to all body systems
3. Describe the body's defense mechanisms beginning with the function of the immune system
4. Research the etiology of conditions presented as well as the diagnostic tests and procedures indicated
5. Identify lab testing methods and procedures used for various diseases and conditions
6. Recognize commonly prescribed medications, including classifications, indications, actions, dosages, and routes of administration
BIOL 1127,
BIOL 1128, and
MEDS 1125