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Undergraduate Research Lab (CHEM 2723)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course will provide students opportunities to carry out undergraduate research in the sciences in approved topics by the instructors. You will learn the scientific research methods and processes. You will write a literature review evaluating information and its sources critically and use the information effectively to write a research proposal on a chosen project approved by the instructor. You will design a scientific method for the project and carry out the proposed project under the supervision of the instructor. You will learn to do detailed laboratory work accurately with precision and incorporate good laboratory practices, documentation procedures, and quality-control standards. You will develop analytical ability and data analysis and management skills. Upon completion of the project, you will write a thesis and defend your thesis. You will explore the possibilities of publishing the results and do a poster presentation. Must be taken A-F.
Topical Outline:
1. Ethical conduct of scientific research, approval processes depending on experimental models used
2. Laboratory and field- research methods and processes
3. Scientific Literature Survey (extension of skills gained in prerequisite research course) to support the hypotheses and writing the research proposal/synopsis
4. Planning and designing the experiments
5. Laboratory/field activities, collection, analysis and interpretation of data, conclusions and redesigning of experiments towards new ideas
6. Writing and defending the thesis, professional presentation
Learning Outcomes:
1. Write a synopsis/research proposal substantiating it with scientific literature references obtained through effective scientific literature survey and analyzing primary research articles relevant to the research project
2. Plan and design experimental procedures utilizing the principles of "scientific method" and the information analyzed from the scientific primary literature
3. Conduct experiments independently with accuracy and to statistical significance using good practices and documentation, and validate the methods and instrumentation used
4. Collect experimental data and conduct effective data analysis and interpretation, reach conclusions and redesign experiments when necessary, to generate new research ideas based on results
5. Demonstrate skills necessary to answer questions and solve problems (critical thinking, analytical, numerical, computational, reasoning, conceptual and practical skills)
6. Present research results and conclusions professionally, and write comprehensive report(s) of the quality expected by ACS or other applicable professional organizations
BIOT 2722 and BIOL 2231; or BIOT 2722 and BIOT 2320; or
CHEM 2722 and
CHEM 2320; or
CHEM 2722 and BIOT 2320; Instructor Approval to Take BIOL 2231 or BIOT/
CHEM 2320 Concurrently