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Undergraduate Research Methods (CHEM 2722)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
This lecture course will provide students with opportunity to learn the methods and processes in scientific research and is writing-intensive. You will learn about how to pursue research in the sciences, funding sources, and various approval processes. You will understand the importance of ethics in research in science and engineering, and responsible conduct of research and reporting of results. You will learn about the types of literature and use library resources and authentic literature databases. You will write a synopsis proposing your research topic. You will find and retrieve primary scientific literature effectively and efficiently. You will have an understanding of embargos, copyrights and other intellectual property aspects. You will learn about patents and related aspects. You will effectively read, synthesize and analyze primary scholarly articles from peer-reviewed primary scientific literature on your chosen topic. You will evaluate the information and its sources critically and use the information effectively to write a scientific review report on the chosen topic. You will understand the different styles of citing references and incorporate the style relevant to your discipline. You will participate in peer review and editing. You will attend research seminars and participate in a field trip to the University of Minnesota libraries. You will learn the processes involved in publishing scientific work. You will present your research work in the annual poster symposium at Minneapolis College. Must be taken A-F.
Topical Outline:
1. Criteria for choosing a research topic and creating concept map on chosen topic to gain broader understanding of the scope of the project
2. Exploring scientific literature: Primary, secondary and tertiary sources, databases (open source and subscription), library resources, how to effectively search and find primary literature on chosen topic, embargos and copyrights
3. Ethics in research: Responsible conduct and reporting of scientific research, Institutional review/approval processes involved in ethical conduct of research (IRB, IBC, RAC, IACUC, EHS, etc. depending on experimental models used)
4. How to effectively select, read, understand scholarly publications
5. How to write a scientific research report: Salient features of a research report/publication, how to avoid plagiarism, different styles of citing references, using the accepted style of citing references for specific discipline/journal
6. Communicating research findings: Processes in publishing, Patents and other Intellectual Property, peer-review/editing, effective participation in seminars, and presenting research findings to scientific audience and general public, poster preparation
Learning Outcomes:
1. Provide rationale for choice of research topic and shows the knowledge of the scope of the topic through introductory reflective paper and concept map
2. Demonstrate proficiency in using open-source and available subscription databases of scientific literature (sources available at MCTC library and the University of Minnesota)
3. Apply appropriate search methods in finding and retrieving primary literature and apply search strategies to retrieve and evaluate primary literature in the preparation of a scientific review report on chosen topic
4. Effectively analyze and summarize scientific publications with relevant citations in correct format, exhibiting familiarity with the terminology and literature commonly used in a specific field/area chosen
5. Analyze case-studies to demonstrate understanding of ethical conduct of research, plagiarism and appropriate Review Board approval processes involved at institutional level for different types of research activities
6. Show basic skills in critiquing a peer report, interacting with guest speakers and preparing/presenting a poster
CHEM 1152 or
BIOL 2200