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The Art of Editing (CINE 2225)

Total Credits: 3
Lecture Credits: 2
Lab Credits: 1

Description: Building on the programs first-year production experience this course focuses on broadening your understanding of how editing can shape storytelling. Various aesthetic approaches and strategies are presented through lecture and screenings. You will also gain practical experience by exploring these concepts through a wide variety of hands-on of editing exercises. Must be taken A - F.

Topical Outline:
1. Editor/Director relationship
2. Language of editing, creating ideas and emotional impact
3. Edit variety of styles and genres, non-traditional story structures, short and long form
4. Creating soundscapes
5. History of film editing
6. Study a diverse group of master film editors

Learning Outcomes:
1. Edit various film projects, varying in length, approach and style
2. Identify major film editors and their styles
3. Familiar with the development of the language of cinema editing
4. Understand how editing is used to communicates ideas and create emotional impact

Prerequisites:  CINE 1110 and CINE 1120