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Online Searching and Reference Services (LIBT 2300)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
This course provides hands-on training in locating, searching, and evaluating a variety of web-based databases and virtual libraries. You will develop the skills necessary to effectively match the patron's request for information with the appropriate resources. You will explore ways of delivering electronic reference services and the dynamics of the online reference interview.
Topical Outline:
1. The role of the paraprofessional in providing reference service
2. The reference interview
3. Searching online databases
4. Searching web resources
5. Evaluation of online resources
Learning Outcomes:
1. Define the roles and expectations of paraprofessionals in providing reference service in different kinds of libraries
2. Conduct reference interviews that match patron need and expectations
3. Search general and specialized databases
4. Search web resources
5. Evaluate selected online database sources and web sites
LIBT 1300 or Instructor Approval