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European History Since 1500: The Age of Global Contact to Present (HIST 1210)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
This course covers European history since 1500, when Europe was starting to make contact with the rest of the world, to the Europe of today. You will learn about the Europe's Age of Exploration and conquest, the Enlightenment, the revolutionary period, the world wars, the divisions of the Cold War and the drive for unification.
Topical Outline:
1. Historical Methods
2. Religious Change and Conflict
3. Exploration, Colonization, and Empire
4. Economic and Political Revolutions
5. The Rise of the Nation-State
6. Conflict and Integration
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand concept of historical memory and the methodologies used by historians
2. Examine social institution and processes across a range of historical experiences and cultures
3. Develop and communicate alternative explanations and/or solutions
4. Demonstrate an awareness of the individual and institutional dynamics of the unequal power relations between groups in contemporary society
5. Analyze personal values, behavior, concepts and beliefs regarding diversity, racism and bigotry
6. Draw parallels in class of class structure, attitudes toward women, race and gender preferred
Placement into
READ 0200 or
ESOL 0052 or completion of
READ 0100 or
ESOL 0042
- Goal 5: History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Goal 8: Global Perspectives