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Computer Forensics (ITEC 2855)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course provides a foundational understanding of the field of computer forensics and imparts basic forensic analysis skills. You will gain forensics knowledge and skills on a foundation of operating systems administration and information security. You will cover a comprehensive range of topics, including survey of forensics tools, crime-scene processing, evidence control and data gathering. In addition to computer forensics analysis concepts, you will gain insight into investigative techniques and expert witnessing as they apply to this specialized field. Must be taken A-F.
ITEC 1475 or
ITEC 2710
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Internet/Intranet Security: Implementation and Management (ITEC 2865)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course provides a broad foundation in information security. You will learn about the diverse and evolving threats to modern networks, and a variety of defensive strategies and countermeasures. Building on networking skills developed in previous courses, you will learn practical skills in securing, managing and monitoring networks and hosts. Topics covered include cryptographic fundamentals, firewall technologies, security appliances, access control, web application security, OS and application security, and computer forensics; as well as policies, disaster recovery, and managing human factors. Must be taken A-F.
ITEC 1100,
ITEC 1110,
ITEC 1150, and
ITEC 1425
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Cisco Network Administration (ITEC 2880)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course provides you with the skills to manage Cisco LAN/WAN devices and environments through lectures, demonstrations, discussions, and hands-on labs. You will learn the OSI Reference Model, Cisco IOS commands, routing protocols such as RIP and IGRP, TCP/IP configuration and subnetting, router setup and configuration, network-switching concepts and configuration; and you will also understand WAN configuration and services. In addition to learning through lectures, demonstrations and discussions, you will be using router simulator software and actual Cisco routers and switches during hands-on labs.
ITEC 1100,
ITEC 1110,
ITEC 1250, and
ITEC 1425
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Firewall Implementation and Management (ITEC 2890)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course provides the skills needed to install, configure, troubleshoot, and manage firewalls, VPNs, intrusion detection systems, and other network defense products. You will practice firewall configuration, be able to respond to alerts, carry out troubleshooting, handle failures, and other management tasks. You will gain experience installing, managing and troubleshooting intrusion detection systems and virtual private networks. You will further build your skills in network administration and your understanding of security concepts such as cryptography. You are expected to have a working knowledge of network administration, and solid grasp of TCP/IP and fundamental security concepts. Must be taken A-F.
ITEC 1475 and
ITEC 2865 or
ITEC 2880
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Security Implementation and Risk Analysis (ITEC 2895)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course examines the principles, mechanisms, and implementation of network security and data protection, with an emphasis on meeting business needs without compromising the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of data. You will gain skills in analyzing risk to information systems, and creating security policies, business continuity, and disaster recovery plans. You will also gain understanding of access control systems and methodology, cyberlaw, ethics, security models, cryptography, forensics practices, and operations security. Must be taken A-F
ITEC 1100,
ITEC 1110,
ITEC 1150, and
ITEC 1425
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Information Technology Internship (ITEC 2900)
Internship/Practicum Credits:
2 -4 Variable Credit
In the internship, you will work and learn alongside computer professionals in an employer's workplace. This is an elective that requires advisor approval. This course is made available to Information Technology students nearing graduation who are not already employed in the computer field. Supervision is required. You must complete at least 80 hours of supervised work and be enrolled in the last semester prior to graduation. Must be taken A-F.
Eligibility for graduation from a Information Technology program area. Automobile transportation required for some sites. Instructor permission required. Please contact the instructor.
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Software Development Projects (ITEC 2903)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course will guide you through the development of intermediate and advanced level software applications. These applications will be suitable for inclusion in a software development portfolio. You may use the platform and development environments of your choice. In order to develop these applications, you will apply the skills developed in previous software development language courses. You may work both individually and in teams to achieve application development goals. Must be taken A-F.
ITEC 2505,
ITEC 2545 and
ITEC 2560
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Software Development Capstone (ITEC 2905)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course is hands-on and task-oriented, covering the use of multiple software development platforms to create and implement market-driven applications. You will work on several software application projects during the class. While developing these applications, you will learn skills deemed desirable by employers: software development life cycle methodologies, secure coding, automated testing, version control, and other tools. You will work in teams and apply project management strategies to achieve application development goals. Must be taken A-F.
Instructor permission is required to register for this course. Please contact the instructor.
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Computer Support & Network Administration Capstone (ITEC 2910)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course provides you with the skills to plan for, install, configure and administer Windows servers and Windows desktop clients. You will become familiar with the concepts of basic system administration and understand how various components work together to build functioning client - server systems. Additionally, you will learn how to plan for deployment, develop security strategies, work with group policies and user profiles, configure access control, configure resource sharing, manage hardware and media, use the registry, monitor performance, administer Active Directory, configure DNS and DHCP, optimize, and troubleshoot. Must be taken A-F.
ITEC 1475 or
ITEC 2710
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Information Technology Career Preparation (ITEC 2950)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
This course helps graduating students prepare for entering the job market as computer programmers or computer support and network administrators. You will develop the skills and knowledge required to search for appropriate employment in your chosen computer field. Topics include self-assessment, rèsumé writing, advertisement terminology, letter writing and job-search planning. You are encouraged to network with other computer professionals by attending job fairs, computer user group meetings and computer conferences. Recommended for students in the final semester of the program. Must be taken A-F.
Eligibility for graduation from an Information Technology program area. Instructor permission required, please contact the instructor.
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Ethical Hacking and Network Defense (ITEC 2990)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course is an introduction to vulnerability assessment and penetration testing. You will learn to use tools and techniques that security testers use to discover and exploit vulnerabilities. You will use information gained from these tests to develop solutions to protect networks and systems. You will learn about security testing concepts, documentation of security tests, ethical and legal ramifications, and other concerns related to security testing. Must be taken A-F.
ITEC 2710
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Cyber Security Capstone (ITEC 2995)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course builds on skills learned in the cyber security degree program to provide you with the technical, operational, and professional skills required in cyber security. You will work on projects to design, implement, test, operate, and maintain secure systems. You will develop your understanding of risks, threats, and vulnerabilities, and be able to identify, implement, and verify appropriate controls and strategies. You will develop professional skills such as collaboration, communication, creating documentation and presenting. The course will emphasize professionalism and ethics in the workplace and provide strategies for keeping necessary skills up to date. Must be taken A-F.
ITEC 2865
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