Arts - Art History: Modern to Contemporary

Art History: Modern to Contemporary (ARTS 1113)

Total Credits: 3
Lecture Credits: 3.00
Lab Credits: 0.00

Description: This course is a survey of modern and contemporary art from the 19th century to the present. Through slide lectures, discussions, videotapes, and museum visits, you will learn to understand art within its historical and social context, and to interpret the meaning of art in an informed manner.

Topical Outline:

Learning Outcomes:
1. 1. Identify and analyze the historical development of modern and contemporary art from the 19th century to present
2. 2. Categorize major works of modern and contemporary art according to style and content
3. 3. Apply artistic theories, concepts and terminologies to specific art styles and art works
4. 4. Understand the relationship of art to tis historical and social context
5. 5. Develop and express an appreciation of art as a form of expression


Placement score into READ 1300 or completion of READ 0200 or ESOL 0052.

  • Goal 6
  • Goal 8