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Theatre: Transfer Pathway
Associate of Fine Arts
Total Credits for Award:
The Theatre Arts Transfer Pathway, A.F.A. offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Fine Arts degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated Theatre Arts bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State universities. The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring to one of the seven Minnesota State universities* enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field. Students planning to transfer outside of the Minnesota State System are advised to consult with their intended transfer institution to determine transferability of the courses in this curriculum.
Minneapolis College's AFA in Theatre will give you training in the basic skills necessary for creative expression in the performance and technical aspects of the theatre arts. The program integrates the artistic, technical, and academic disciplines of theatre practice. You may choose an emphasis in acting, directing or technical theatre skills. You will also learn to interpret and understand global theatre history, as well as contemporary and classical dramatic literature.
This transfer pathway in Associate of Fine Arts Pathway in Theatre, Theatre Performance, and Theatre Production and Design will transfer to the following majors:
- Metropolitan State University: Theater, BA
- Minnesota State University, Mankato: Theatre, BA or Theatre, BS
- Minnesota State University Moorhead: Theatre Arts, BA
- Southwest Minnesota State University: Theatre Arts, BA
Theater Transfer Pathway Core Requirements
Required Courses
The following Theater (THTR) Courses are required.
THTR 1104: Introduction to Acting 1 (3 cr.), Goal 6
THTR 1131: Theatre and Its Elements: Intro. to Theater (3 cr.), Goals 6,8
THTR 1145: Stagecraft: Scene Design and Lighting (3 cr.), Goal 6
THTR 2105 Introduction to Acting 2 (3 cr.), Goal 6
THTR 2145: Introduction to Directing (3 cr.), Goal 6
THTR 2150: Introduction to Analyzing Plays and Dramatic Literature (3 cr.) Goal 6,8
THTR 2160: Practical Application: Theater Capstone (2 cr.), Goal 6
Theater Program Elective Requirements
Theater (THTR) Program Elective List
Take 3 credits from the program elective list.
THTR 1150: Theater in the Twin Cities (3 cr.), Goal 6
THTR 1161: Guthrie Theater (1 cr.), Goal 6
THTR 1162: Childrens Theater Company (1 cr.), Goal 6
THTR 1163: Mixed Blood Theater (1 cr.) Goal 6
THTR 1165: Lab Theater (2 cr.) Goal 6
THTR 1166: Acting for the Camera (3 cr.) Goal 6
In addition to the required Theater courses, students must successfully complete a total of 40 credits of coursework in all MnTC goal areas as follows:
MnTC Goal Area 1: Written and Oral Communication
A minimum of 9 credits, which must include ENGL 1110 or ENGA 1110, ENGL 1111, as well as an eligible communication Studies (CMST) course
MnTC Goal Area 2: Critical Thinking
The completion of the full 40-credit Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or a minimum of one course designated as a MnTC 2 course.
MnTC Goal Area 3: Natural Sciences
MnTC Goal Area 3: A minimum of two courses in different subjects, one course must have a traditional lab and the other course must have a traditional lab –or- lab-like experience.
*MnTC Goal Area 4: Mathematics/Logical Reasoning
A minimum of one course totaling 3 credits.
Choose any MnTC Goal Area 4 course. (MATH 1001 Math for Liberal Arts or PHIL 2110 Logic is recommended)
**MnTC Goal Area 5: History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences
A minimum of two courses. The courses must be in two different subjects
**MnTC Goal Area 6: Humanities and Fine Arts
A minimum of two courses. The courses must be in two different subjects One of the required Theater (THTR) courses satisfies one of the required subjects. Choose one additional subject that meets Goal area 6
MnTC Goal Area 7: Human Diversity
A minimum of one course
MnTC Goal Area 8: Global Perspective
A minimum of one course
MnTC Goal Area 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility
A minimum of one course:
MnTC Goal Area 10: People and the Environment
A minimum of one course
Elective Coursework:
***Elective Credits
*The number of elective credits will vary depending on the number of MnTC and required coursework credits a student takes.
Completion Requirements:
The total credits for each semester will vary depending on which Math, and Science courses are selected to complete the A.F.A. Theatre Transfer pathway. Students need to complete the entire 40-credit Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) as well as elective credits to reach 60 credits for the Theatre Transfer Pathway degree. One course may meet more than one MnTC Goal Area; however, credits may only be counted once.
* MnTC Goal Area 3: Students must complete a minimum of two courses in two different disciplines, one course must have a traditional lab and the other course must have a traditional lab-or-lab-like experience from MnTC Goal Area 3.
**To complete the Theater Transfer Pathway degree students must complete at least two courses from two different subjects in MnTC Goal Areas 5 and 6. Theater courses satisfy one of the two required courses in goal 6.
All students pursuing this award should work closely with their advisor and consult with the intended transfer institution to ensure proper selection of required program courses, if applicable program electives, required Minnesota Transfer Curriculum courses, and MnTC electives. You are expected to meet with your advisor on a regular basis to ensure courses are taken in an order that will lead to efficient and successful completion of the required coursework. Your advisor will assist you in choosing courses that will help you progress toward successful completion of your declared major.