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Ethnic America (AMST 1132)

Total Credits: 3
Lecture Credits: 3

Description: Ethnic America celebrates the diversity of American culture through the contributions that various groups (including Native Americans, Hispanics, Africans, Asians, and Europeans) have made to this country, especially in literature and the arts. You will examine the histories of the peoples who make up this country and the myths and realities of the American "melting pot.

Topical Outline:
1. Native American experiences, cultures and contributions
2. African-American experiences, cultures and contributions
3. Latino experiences, cultures and contributions
4. Asian-American experiences, cultures and contributions
5. European-American experiences, cultures and contributions

Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify, describe, analyze, and interpret the historical patterns of immigration in American cultural life
2. Respond critically to scholarly discourse about "race" and ethnicity in American cultural life
3. Know, apply and think critically about issues of diversity in American culture
4. Apply course content to analysis of contemporary American life

Prerequisites:  Placement into READ 0200 or ESOL 0052 or completion of READ 0100 or ESOL 0042

  • Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts
  • Goal 7: Human Diversity