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Video 2 (PHMO 2380)

Total Credits: 3
Lecture Credits: 2
Lab Credits: 1

Description: This course provides Photography and Motion students a more advanced understanding of video production skills and video editing software through a variety of professional techniques. You will capture video and still images with digital SLRs (HD-SLR’s) and dedicated video cameras. You will capture audio with external recording equipment. You will learn advanced post-production skills such as color-correction, multi-camera editing, stabilizers, and video lighting. You will apply interview techniques and working in teams. You will use industry-standard software to produce professional digital media presentations.

Topical Outline:
1. Advanced video capture using digital SLR’s and dedicated video cameras
2. Advanced audio capture using external recorders and specialized microphones
3. Audio and video concepts and terminology
4. Advanced video editing with industry standard software
5. Video output options using industry standard specifications

Learning Outcomes:
1. Use dedicated video capture equipment
2. Use advanced audio capture equipment
3. Apply advanced video editing skills with industry standard software
4. Create video projects to standards for future clients
5. Evaluate video tools and equipment to meet assignment criteria
6. Evaluate video output using professional standards

Prerequisites:  PHMO 1280