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Systems Analysis and Design (ITEC 2775)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course provides you with comprehensive and balanced coverage of systems analysis and design. The content of the course and built-in projects allow you to master the concepts and techniques from both the traditional, structured approach and the object-oriented approach to systems development. You will learn to emphasize fundamentals of systems analysis, while addressing the diverse development environments of today. Must be taken A-F.
Topical Outline:
1. Approaches to system analysis and design
2. Modeling Requirements, Data, and Objects
3. System components such as user interfaces, data, and system architecture
4. Advanced object-oriented design and modeling
5. System implementation, operation, support and security
Learning Outcomes:
1. Study, compare and contrast approaches to system analysis and design
2. Practice modeling requirements, data, and objects
3. Understand and integrate system components such as user interfaces, data, and system architecture
4. Practice advanced object-oriented design and modeling
5. Understand considerations in system implementation, operation, support and security
ITEC 1100,
ITEC 1110, and
ITEC 1250