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MySQL Database Design and Implementation (ITEC 1465)

Total Credits: 4
Lecture Credits: 3
Lab Credits: 1

Description: This course is an introduction to the open source MySQL relational database software. You will install and configure the database software and a query tool in one or more operating system environments e.g. MS Windows, Linux. No prior database experience is necessary. You will learn to use the power of the MySQL dialect effectively and efficiently. Beyond developing queries and views, you will study issues of data security and integrity. Must be taken A-F.

Topical Outline:
1. Fundamental relational database and MySQL concepts
2. MySQL database design
3. MySQL database queries, functions and procedures
4. MySQL database administration
5. MySQL database maintenance
6. MySQL database security

Learning Outcomes:
1. Define relational database terms and concepts and MySQL concepts
2. Design and create MySQL database structures
3. Create MySQL statements to search, create, read, update, and delete data
4. Manage and administer a MySQL database environment using appropriate strategies and tools
5. Appreciate the importance of normalization for performance, organization; use appropriate processes to create an optimally normalized database
6. Write MySQL procedures and functions to write, access and manage data

Prerequisites:  ITEC 1100, ITEC 1110, ITEC 1150, and ITEC 1250