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Gas-Fired Furnaces (HVAC 2120)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
Troubleshooting, repair, maintenance and installation of forced-air gas-fired heating equipment, standing pilot, spark ignition, hot-surface ignition, condensing, and pulse-combustion furnaces are covered in this course. Gas fuels, piping and venting procedures will also be explored. Must be taken A-F.
Topical Outline:
1. Combustion Theory
2. Natural and LP Gas Principles
3. Gas-Fired Furnace Venting
4. Gas-Fired Furnace Control Circuits
5. Gas-Fired Furnace Combustion Analysis
6. Gas-Fired Furnace Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Learning Outcomes:
1. Interpret combustion theory applied to gas-fired furnaces
2. Interpret natural and liquefied petroleum gas principles and piping practices
3. Properly vent condensing and standard efficiency gas-fired furnaces
4. Interpret gas-fired furnace control circuits
5. Properly test gas-fired furnace combustion efficiency
6. Properly troubleshoot, repair and maintain gas-fired furnaces
HVAC 1015,
HVAC 1100,
HVAC 1105,
HVAC 1110,
HVAC 1115, and
HVAC 1120