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Product and Still Life Photography (PHMO 2400)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course covers the planning, setup, and execution of producing product and still life images as designed by a potential client. You will develop lighting skills necessary to best illuminate any given product, fashion, or food. You will work in collaboration with layouts, stylists, and models to produce photographs and motion imagery. Must be taken A-F.
Topical Outline:
1. Research types of product and still life photography, from fashion to food
2. Lighting schemes for specific surface criteria
3. Collaborating with clients and establishing an advertising shoot workflow
4. Photographing food and collaborating with a food stylist
Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify types of product and still life photography
2. Create professional quality still and video images with specific surface criteria
3. Identify concerns when working with clients
4. Critique images to promote constructive collaboration
5. Produce final images to professional standards
PHMO 1210 and
PHMO 1250; or Instructor Approval