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Inspection and Testing (WELD 2950)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
In this course, you will examine destructive and nondestructive testing methods. Visual inspection, dye penetrant, magnetic particle, tensile pull, bend test, macro and micro evaluation will be covered. Must be taken A-F.
Topical Outline:
1. Scope and purpose of weld testing
2. Ethics of weld inspection and testing
3. Non-destructive testing methods and visual inspection
4. Destructive testing methods
5. Macro and micro weld evaluations
6. Discontinuity identification
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the purpose and scope of testing welds
2. Understand the ethics of testing welds
3. Understand the methods of destructive and non-destructive testing
4. Perform destructive testing and visual inspection
5. Perform macro and micro evaluation of welds
6. Identify and evaluate discontinuities
WELD 1250