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Shielded Metal Arc Welding II (WELD 1102)
Total Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course builds upon the skills and safety procedures in manipulating flux coated electrodes in
WELD 1101. You will weld in the horizontal, vertical and overhead positions with various types of electrodes. Weld testing and electrode selection are also covered. You must successfully complete
WELD 1101 to take this course.
Topical Outline:
1. Shielded Metal Arc Welding theory, applications and electrode selection
2. Welding applications with various electrode types in all positions on various joint designs
3. Weld inspection and discontinuity identification
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the proper use of power sources, machine controls, equipment and electrode selection for Shielded Metal Arc Welding
2. Demonstrate proper welding technique with E-6010/E-6011 in the horizontal position on various joint designs
3. Demonstrate proper welding technique with E-7018 in the flat, vertical and overhead positions on various joint designs
4. Understand the fundamentals of taking a welder qualification test to AWS D1.1 Structural Code for Steel
Placement into
READ 0200 or
ESOL 0052 or completion of
READ 0100 or
ESOL 0042