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Introduction to Acting 1 (THTR 1104)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This is a performance-oriented course to help you build self-confidence on stage and within yourself and to develop a strong foundation in 21st-century acting techniques. You will perform exercises in front of an audience, including rehearsal and performance of monologues and scenes drawn from multicultural contemporary American theater. You will also practice techniques in relaxation and the conditioning of the actor's body, voice and mind through improvisations, games, character discussion, and analysis of acting texts. Emphasis is on using a nonthreatening, group-oriented class atmosphere to explore and develop the imagination.
Topical Outline:
1. The skills needed to work in the elements of performance such as cooperation, respect, responsibility, and collaboration
2. Use of the voice and body in performance
3. Imagination and application of a specific approach to the art of acting
4. Performance skills and techniques
Learning Outcomes:
1. Work collaboratively with professional decorum and respect
2. Identify and apply vocal and movement skills in order to communicate freely and expressively
3. Apply specific techniques and critiques in order to create an expressive performance
4. Use performance skills and techniques to create a performance or presentation of a theatrical work, such as a monologue, scene, play, and/or other expressive pieces
5. Use the skills of observation, aesthetic and analysis to create an informed critique of a theatrical work
6. Engage with live theatre and theatre artists to experience and understand theatre arts in practice
Placement into
READ 0200 or
ESOL 0052 or completion of
READ 0100 or
ESOL 0042
Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts