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Android Mobile Programming (ITEC 2417)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course introduces students to Android application development. You will learn skills and techniques that are used to create mobile apps for the Android platform. You will work with a variety of Android components and use these to develop apps that take advantage of the unique features of a mobile device; while managing constraints imposed by these devices. You will gain experience designing, coding, testing, and troubleshooting applications. You will also gain experience in user interface design, teamwork, the Android development environment and supporting developer tools. Before starting the class, you must be familiar with at least one high-level programming language, object-oriented programming concepts, and use of an IDE. Must be taken A-F.
Topical Outline:
1. Android mobile development devices, tools and development environment
2. Programming language used in application development; and application logic
3. Components of user interfaces and their role in providing a positive user experience
4. Leveraging of mobile-specific capabilities in applications; handling mobile-specific constraints and issues
5. Data storage, management and organization within a mobile device
6. Application lifecycle requirements, design, coding, testing and deployment
Learning Outcomes:
1. Set up a development environment; use appropriate tools to manage the app development process
2. Design mobile apps from requirements and from students' own design
3. Write and test application code; within a software development lifecycle; with consideration to mobile device-specific advantages and constraints
4. Design and create user interfaces with consideration to mobile-specific features and constraints
5. Create, store and manage data needed by apps using data sources and resources such as files, databases and APIs
ITEC 2505 or
ITEC 2545 or
ITEC 2560