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Leading Trauma Sensitive Care (ECED 1500)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
This course provides an opportunity for students to recognize trauma and respond to it in sensitive and culturally responsive ways, with the goal of embracing resilience for every child. The course will focus on research on the impact trauma has in the lives of children and their families, allowing you to plan trauma-sensitive and healing environments. These traumas may include emotional, physical, or sexual abuse; domestic violence; various forms of neglect; adoption; foster care; incarceration or death of a caregiver; natural disasters; medical and surgical procedures; and serious accidents. Material in this course will help you discover how trauma affects staff, children, and families and how to reduce trauma's negative impact through healing centered practices. Must be taken A-F.
Topical Outline:
1. Why is it important to understand trauma?
2. Types of traumas experienced by young children
3. Guiding principles for teaching children with trauma
4. Partnering with and supporting families
5. Caring for yourself and others
6. Creating policies that support children and families in collaboration with systems outside the program to support trauma informed care
Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the definition of trauma and its prevalence in early childhood programs and how using a trauma-informed approach can benefit all children.
2. Adapt teaching strategies for responding to children’s behaviors using a trauma-informed lens by using a strengths-based approach for interactions and curriculum.
3. Identify how children experience trauma in the context of their developmental capacities and tasks, including building secure attachments, regulation of emotions, peer socialization, increased logical problem-solving and school-readiness tasks.
4. Recognize that safe, stable, nurturing relationships can provide a buffer against the effects of prolonged stress and/or trauma and discovers how to sustain collaborative relationships across systems that support children and families impacted by trauma.
5. Reflect on own cultural values, assumptions, and behavioral expectations and how they influence practices in early childhood programs.
6. Identify resources and policies that support families and colleagues who have experienced or are experiencing trauma.
A recommended placement into
READ 0200 or
ESOL 0052 or a recommended completion of
READ 0100 or
ESOL 0042.