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American Philosophy (PHIL 1175)

Total Credits: 3
Lecture Credits: 3

Description: This course offers an inclusive and critical survey of American philosophies. The focus will be upon the interrelation of African American, Asian American, European American, Latino American, and Native American voices, and how all contribute to the complex intellectual, social, and political landscape in the United States and in the Americas more generally. Through studying these philosophies, you will address the open-ended question of an “American identity,” and what such an identity could mean for building equitable communities. In considering this question, you will analyze and address problems in American social life such as racism, nationalism, classism, colonialism, religious intolerance, and sexism.

Topical Outline:
1. Integrated areas of American philosophy: Native American, African American, Asian America, European American, and Latin American.
2. Contemporary social problems in American life: racism, classism, nationalism, colonialism, political division, religious intolerance.
3. Exploring the question of an "American identity," and what such an identity might look like.
4. Historical schools of thought in America: American Naturalism, American Pragmatism, liberalism, democratic theory.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate a comprehensive, diverse, and inclusive recognition of philosophy in America in order to critique and analyze the ethical, social and political dimensions of philosophical concepts and contemporary social problems.
2. Critique and analyze the ethical, social, and political dimensions of American philosophies and their central concepts.
3. Apply American philosophies to contemporary problems in the United States.
4. Connect American ideas to global issues.

Prerequisites:  Placement into READ 0200 or ESOL 0052 or completion of READ 0100 or ESOL 0042

  • Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts
  • Goal 7: Human Diversity