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Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (MATH 1162)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
This course develops the foundations for some of the more important mathematical topics taught in grades PreK-5 using common student misconceptions and classroom strategies that help alleviate these misconceptions. Using the natural numbers, you will increase your fluency in the vocabulary needed to discuss transforming expressions using the order of operations. You will also practice a variety of classroom applications that help students overcome common misconceptions concerning natural numbers, the concept of equality, integers, rational numbers, probability, and geometry. This course is appropriate for future early childhood educators, future elementary teachers and liberal arts students seeking general education credits. Must be taken A-F.
Topical Outline:
1. Combining vocabulary and the order of operations
2. The concept of equality
3. The integers
4. Rational numbers
5. Probability
6. Basic geometry
Learning Outcomes:
1. Utilize the vocabulary needed to discuss the order of operations on the whole numbers.
2. Analyze an incorrect answer and hypothesize the misconception that likely led to the error.
3. Model successful classroom strategies that reduce misconceptions K-5 students have concerning equality, integers, rational numbers, probability and geometry.
Placement into
MATH 0070
Goal 4: Mathematics/Logical Reasoning