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Beginning Japanese (JAPN 1000)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Beginning Japanese 1 offers you the foundations for basic, contemporary, conversational Japanese. You will learn practical vocabulary and conversational patterns; the Japanese syllabaries-hiragana and katakana-which will be gradually introduced; and, by the end of the term, you will be able to write basic sentences. You will establish firm foundations for further development of your Japanese language skills.
Topical Outline:
1. Communication Skills: understanding to simple dialogues and classroom instructions; asking and answering to basic questions (what, where, when, who, and why) about their own lives as well as other basic cultural and contemporary issues in small and large group exchanges
2. Literacy skills: reading and analyzing the content of basic written materials such as cultural information, menus, schedules, advertisements, etc. and writing short compositions, letters, postcards, journal entries, notes, messages, and short descriptions
3. Grammatical topics: Japanese syllabaries-hiragana and katakana, the difference from English (sentence structure, gender, plural-singular forms, verb tense), identify people and things, pronouns and noun modifiers, motion verbs, existence of people and things
4. Vocabulary topics: greetings and daily expressions, classroom vocabulary, the cardinal numbers, meeting-people (nationalities, occupations, and telephone number), shopping (time, money, colors, and counting system), getting-around (dates and means of transportation), weekend excursions (whereabouts), dinning out (everyday life verbs) and basic 5 W question words
5. Culture: Students acquire cultural information for the purpose of understanding and appreciating the products, practices, and perspectives of other cultures. Topics may include: naming practices, clothing, housing, family, art, food, cities, history, and current topics
Learning Outcomes:
1. Write short compositions on familiar topics
2. Participate in paired and group activities to practice self-expression on personal, cultural, and current topics within limits of linguistic ability
3. Communicate in the target language demonstrating awareness of protocol
4. Compare and contrast cultural behaviors in everyday situations
5. Gain an increased understanding of history, political science, art, and music of the target culture through the target language
6. With a multicultural view gained through the study of language and culture, students will be able to use the language beyond the school setting for lifelong personal enjoyment and participate in the global community
Placement into
READ 0200 or
ESOL 0052 or completion of
READ 0100 or
ESOL 0042
Goal 8: Global Perspectives