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Ancient Rome (HIST 2001)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
This course will cover the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. You will learn about the Roman city-state, its expansion under the Republic, and the lasting political and cultural impact of the empire on world history.
Topical Outline:
1. Historical Methods
2. Pre-Roman Europe
3. The Early Roman Republic
4. The Late Roman Republic
5. The Roman Empire
6. The Fall of the Roman Empire and its Successor States
Learning Outcomes:
1. Evaluate primary documents as a way to understand the past
2. Evaluate secondary sources as a way to understand the past
3. Construct historical arguments using evidence
4. Understand the themes, people, and events important to Roman history
Placement into
READ 0200 or
ESOL 0052 or completion of
READ 0100 or
ESOL 0042
- Goal 5: History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Goal 8: Global Perspectives