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Introduction to Literature: Novel (ENLT 1152)

Total Credits: 3
Lecture Credits: 3

Description: This course covers the basic elements of the novel. You will apply critical skills in discussing and writing about novels from various ethnic groups and communities from within the United States, possibly including Native American, European-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American, and African-American. You will identify patterns, values and assumptions within the novels. By developing critical responses, you will increase your understanding of the novel as an art form, of the societies in which the novels arose and of yourself.

Topical Outline:
1. Introduction: Basic elements of the novel
2. Native American Tradition
3. European-American Tradition
4. Latin American Tradition
5. Asian-American Tradition
6. African American Tradition

Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the aesthetic and structural elements of the novel
2. Analyze and understand the novel as a product of its author and the culture from which it arose
3. Gain insight into how the form of the novel reinforces its content and function
4. Express comprehension of the various critical, structural and aesthetic aspects of the novel
5. Synthesize information and respond to a variety of novels from across multiple cultures and/or genres
6. Discuss and engage in conversations about the novel

Prerequisites:  ENGL 1110 or ENGA 1110

  • Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts
  • Goal 7: Human Diversity