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Literature and the Environment (ENLT 1150)

Total Credits: 3
Lecture Credits: 3

Description: This course covers a wide range of writing about human experience and the environment, such as essays, stories, journals, poems, music lyrics, and plays. You will read literature of the Americas written over several centuries that will focus on our changing and diverse human experience within the environment, as well as on our attitudes toward the physical world.

Topical Outline:
1. Concepts of nature and human relationship to the environment
2. Environmental crises and the role of literature
3. The impact of gender, social class, and race on relationships to the environment
4. Interpreting and analyzing various genres of environmental literature in a social and historical context

Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand literary works about the environment as expressions of individual and human values within historical and social contexts
2. Respond critically to works about the environment
3. Articulate an informed personal reaction to the literary works about the environment
4. Demonstrate an awareness of individual and institutional dynamics of unequal power relations between groups in contemporary society
5. Describe and discuss the experience and contributions (cultural, political, social, economic, etc.) of environmental writers, and how those experiences are shaped by privilege, discrimination and exclusion

Prerequisites:  ENGL 1110 or ENGA 1110

  • Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts
  • Goal 10: People and the Environment