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Yoga Anatomy & Practices with the Physical Body (HLTH 2001)

Total Credits: 4
Lecture Credits: 3
Lab Credits: 1

Description: This Yoga Alliance approved course is for aspiring yoga teachers. You will study the anatomy, physiology and kinesiology of the physical body as well as the doshas in relation to yoga practices such as asana (postures) and pranayama (breath control). You will learn the correct form of, and how to safely instruct others in the practices. You will observe and assist in yoga classes as well as design and teach yoga classes to others.

Topical Outline:
1. Anatomy and kinesiology principles for the skeletal, muscular, and digestive systems
2. Basic Ayurveda principles of the qualities, elements and doshas
3. Kinesiology, form and cues for, at a minimum, the following asanas: mountain pose, tree pose, triangle pose, half-moon pose, warrior 1 pose, warrior 2 pose, side angle pose, pyramid pose, wide-leg standing foward fold pose, downward facing dog pose, standing forward fold pose, plank pose, low lunge pose, cobra pose, bow pose, bridge pose, upward facing bow pose, legs up the wall pose, shoulderstand pose, seated twist pose, hero pose, head to knee pose, seated wide legged forward fold pose, bound angle pose, supine hand to toe pose, supine twist, child's pose, savasana
4. Forms and cues for the following beginning pranayama: sitali, ujjayi, sama vrtti, and bhastrika
5. Forms and cues for apana kriyas, sun salutations (A, B, and C), and the following shat kriyas (at a minimum): nadi shodana, kappalabhati, hrid dhauti
6. Forms and cues for mudras, especially mudras for the elements

Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate proper performance of physical skills through body mechanics and personal and community safety techniques.
2. Design and implement behavior modification plans that strive for excellence in wellness through healthy behaviors and boundaries and positive decision making.
3. Observe and evaluate yoga practices taught by others and reflect upon best practices in teaching yoga.
4. Evaluate yoga practices from both a biomechanical and dosha perspective.
5. Critique their own use of the teaching principles and methods communicated and implemented during peer to peer and trainee to client teaching interactions.

Prerequisites:  Admission to the Yoga Teacher Training Program and Placement into READ 1300 or completion of READ 0200 or ESOL 0052 or completion of ENGL 0900 or ENGA 0900