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Adobe InDesign (GRPH 1585)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course is an introduction to Adobe InDesign software, the industry standard for designing professional single- and multiple-page documents for print, and other electronic delivery systems. You will learn the fundamentals of style sheets, global and local page management, importing and formatting document assets, advanced typographic controls, color management, preflight and output options as applied to practical projects for commercial and digital printing and electronic publishing.
Topical Outline:
1. Typographic tools to increase the efficiency of their workflow when designing large documents
2. InDesign including print, web, and digital publishing and different export options associated with each of these intents to their personal projects
3. Repurpose the same InDesign content for different delivery systems
4. Simple and complex documents that include different page formats within the same InDesign file
5. Commercial and digital printing, including preflight management, die-cuts, complex folds, and Pantone Matching System (PMS)
Learning Outcomes:
1. Describe Adobe InDesign's general purpose and function as it relates to graphic and web design
2. Demonstrate an ability to use Adobe InDesign's interface to create documents, manipulate text and images, and save documents in appropriate file formats. As well as print documents to a CMYK Printer
3. Demonstrate an ability to use Adobe InDesign's interface to create Master Pages and Style Sheets and implement then into the design of multi-page documents
4. Demonstrates an ability to create a multi-page interactive PDF document utilizing formatted text and images that can use interactive navigation
5. Demonstrate an ability to communicate, visually, orally, and with the written word
GRPH 1101,
GRPH 1120,
GRPH 1130 or Instructor Approval