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Culturally Relevant and Anti-Bias Education (ECED 1656)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
This course provides an overview of culturally relevant and anti-bias education in early childhood settings. You will examine the major approaches to culturally relevant/anti-bias education, evaluate and make teaching materials, plan and implement culturally relevant/anti-bias learning experiences, and plan culturally relevant/anti-bias curriculum. Must be taken A-F.
Topical Outline:
1. What are the goals and objectives of cultural relevancy and multicultural education?
2. Talking with children
3. Impact of prejudice, bias, and racism on children
4. Major approaches to planning and implementing culturally relevant curriculum
5. Special occasions such as holidays, celebrations, visitors, and field trips
Learning Outcomes:
1. Discuss stereotypes, prejudice, bias, racism, culture and the impact of these elements on identity formation of self and children
2. Analyze the role of home language and culture in children’s lives
3. Discuss approaches to culturally relevant education, goals of developing and implementing culturally relevant terminology, learning experiences for children, staff development strategies, and the roles of teachers and families
4. Evaluate learning environments, materials and resources for cultural relevancy
5. Prepare and implement a culturally relevant theme with learning activities, bilingual teaching aids, a field trip and a celebration
6. Demonstrate communication strategies to expand children’s knowledge of diversity, answer children’s questions in culturally appropriate ways, and respond to discriminatory behaviors of children and others
A recommended placement into
READ 0200 or
ESOL 0052 or a recommended completion of
READ 0100 or
ESOL 0042.