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Screenwriting Workshop (CINE 2260)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course is intended to provide you with the opportunity to write, rewrite and complete the writing of specifically designed projects to complement your knowledge and experience, and critique and analyze the ongoing script projects. You will be required to make a plan and complete your project as agreed between you and your instructor. Must be taken A - F.
Topical Outline:
1. Ideations and Characterizations
2. Synopsis, Treatments and breakdowns
3. Preliminary script analysis
4. Rewrites and Coverages
Learning Outcomes:
1. Develop a personal project of their choice to be developed and written during the Workshop
2. Write or rewrite the project according to professional parameters in use to finalize an acceptable polished draft
3. Write an appropriate analysis of their finished projects according to professional parameters in use
CINE 2120