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Foundation of 3D Art (ARTS 1145)

Total Credits: 3
Lecture Credits: 1
Lab Credits: 2

Description: This is a studio art course that focuses on building the basic visual language for three-dimensional artmaking. Through lectures, demonstrations and reading, you will learn about the foundational elements and principles of 3D art. You will apply these elements and principles to your own creative projects that you build in the class. You will use a variety of materials and techniques which may include wire, clay, cardboard, and wood, and others.

Topical Outline:
1. Survey of the elements and principles of three dimensional art
2. Survey of three dimensional art and artists to contextualize projects
3. Introduction to tools and materials used in creating three dimensional art
4. Introduction to critical analysis of art through critique

Learning Outcomes:
1. Use the visual vocabulary of the elements and principles of design in analysis of artworks.
2. Demonstrate understanding of formal concerns of 3-D art through hands-on projects.
3. Contextualize historic and contemporary works of art to hands-on projects.
4. Demonstrate an increased appreciation of the vital role and value art and design have on culture.
5. Evaluate artwork created in class through the critique process.
6. Demonstrate a basic working understanding of the 3D studio health and safety guidelines.

MnTC: Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts