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REVIT Families (ARCH 2030)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
This course assumes you are proficient with AutoCAD. The course focuses on introducing Revit Architecture and Building Information Modeling (BIM). This course also seeks to develop your understanding of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and the application of CAD through multiple applications. The beginning of the course will focus on the Revit user interface and the core commands. The last half of class will focus on the modeling and documentation capability within Revit Architecture.
Topical Outline:
1. Advanced Construction Types
2. Advanced Scheduling
3. Families (Generic and Hosted)
4. Customization of Graphics
Learning Outcomes:
1. Construct a simple building and modify its construction types
2. Create Finish, Door and Window Schedules
3. Build Families using basic and advanced modeling techniques
4. Manipulate the way a model displays using various graphic techniques
ARCH 1230 or Instructor Approval