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Introduction to Human Services, Social Work, and Career Assessment (HSER 1001)

Total Credits: 4
Lecture Credits: 4

Description: This course combines a basic overview of human-services knowledge with self-assessment exercises to help you evaluate your choice to work in the helping professions. You will learn about the human services field and profession, the history of human services, future trends, and multicultural perspectives. Through exercises, small group work, and experiential learning you will learn how to assess your personal attitudes, values, and interests in the field. Community service project outside of class may be required. Must be taken for a letter grade of A - F.

Topical Outline:
1. Attentive Listening Skills
2. Overview of Human Services and Social Work Professions
3. Identify personal values and common concerns of Helpers
4. Stages in the helping process
5. Understanding human diversity, oppression and privilege
6. History and Trends in Human Services and Social Work

Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify historical development of Human Services and Social Work trends that may impact the future of these professions and basic elements of the social welfare system
2. Recognize attitudes beliefs/ values, and common motives for becoming an effective Helper and identify their comfort to work with persons different from themselves
3. Understand psycho-social theories, differentiate various professional roles as a human services worker and social worker, and to further assess personal readiness for these professions
4. Discuss social work's perspective on human diversity, oppression, and privilege and identify socioeconomic and related issues impacting populations at risk including issues of social justice

Prerequisites:  Placement into READ 0200 or ESOL 0052 or completion of READ 0100 or ESOL 0042
Co-requisites:  HSER 1002