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Commercial and Alternative Filmmaking (CINE 2250)

Total Credits: 3
Lecture Credits: 2
Lab Credits: 1

Description: In this course, you will explore forms of film-making outside of the narrative structure. This course will consist of lectures, exercises and individual projects. You will learn how commercial work explores work for hire and its integration to advertising. Alternative forms studied could be music videos and other experimental works. You will work on projects in and outside of class time. Must be taken A - F.

Topical Outline:
1. The commercial form
2. Working with client and agency
3. Non-narrative and experimental forms
4. Studio photography and lighting
5. Incorporating graphic elements

Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify the methods and practices of working on a commercial production
2. Implement the techniques of alternative forms in filmmaking
3. Practice the dynamics of working effectively with a production team
4. Articulate concepts and techniques in critique

Prerequisites:  CINE 2110