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HTML/CSS Authoring 1 (WEBI 1611)

Total Credits: 3
Lecture Credits: 2
Lab Credits: 1

Description: You will develop a basic understanding of HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, and JavaScript by authoring webpages and completing a website. Current Web tools and design issues will be surveyed. Objective will be to produce clean and fast HTML pages built and verified to World Wide Web Consortium standards. Instruction will include online readings and tutorials.

Topical Outline:
1. HTML element hierarchy, semantics and structure
2. CSS rules for adding styles and interactivity to web pages
3. Demonstrate competency linking web pages
4. Develop sitemaps, wireframes and mockups
5. Publishing HTML documents to the web
6. Discuss roles of essential programming languages for the web

Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate competence with HTML by making Web documents that conform to the World Wide Web Consortium's HTML Recommendations and to the instructor's guidelines
2. Demonstrate competence with Cascading Style Sheets by making Web documents that are formatted to the CSS specification
3. Demonstrate understanding of Web document structure by choosing correct structural markup in the Web documents submitted for evaluation
4. Demonstrate learning of the HTML language by defining various components of language syntax in quizzes and exams and by participating in the class
5. Demonstrate competence with network structure and file paths

Prerequisites:  Placement into READ 1300 or completion of READ 0200 or ESOL 0052 or Instructor Approval