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Language Development and Literature/Literacy Experiences (ECED 1640)

Total Credits: 3
Lecture Credits: 3

Description: This class provides an overview of language learning, theories and developmental stages. You will integrate knowledge of children's language and literacy development, learning environments, and teaching strategies to design play activities that embed literacy experiences for children of different abilities and diverse backgrounds. You will also explore quality children's literature in multiple genres and how a variety of skills are supported through wide range of books. Must be taken A-F.

Topical Outline:
1. Language Development & Learning Theory
2. Whole Language Approaches to Literacy
3. Speaking & Listening using Conversations, Finger-plays, Chants & Rhymes
4. Children’s Literature
5. Language Rich Environments
6. Multi-Language Learning

Learning Outcomes:
1. Explore oral language development, activities, and environments to support mono-lingual, bi-lingual, and multi-lingual children both at home and in education settings
2. Explore multiple teaching and assessment approaches to the development of literacy skills
3. Create learning materials and environments designed to support the foundation of literacy processes in young children
4. Identify the genres of children’s literature and integrate literacy concepts in multiple genres
5. Explore ways to encourage literacy practices in diverse home environments
6. Identify ways that children communicate non-verbally as well as opportunities for language and literacy embedded in daily play activities

Prerequisites:  A recommended placement into READ 0200 or ESOL 0052 or a recommended completion of READ 0100 or ESOL 0042.