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Fitting Analysis and Application (APRL 2540)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
Lab Credits:
This course provides techniques for solving fitting problems with a variety of garments. You will analyze and devise solutions to fitting problems with pants, skirts, blouses, shirts, jackets, and dresses. You will then practice sizing, fitting, and sewing alterations. Must be taken A-F.
Topical Outline:
1. Analyze fit
2. Fitting standards
3. Industry sizing
4. Marking
5. Garment alterations
Learning Outcomes:
1. Analyze fitting problems and solutions
2. Identify industry fitting standards
3. Identify and compare Industry sizing
4. Perform basic fitting procedures
5. Perform basic garment alterations
APRL 2150,
APRL 2355, and
APRL 2420