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Introduction to Hispanic Literatures (SPAN 2250)
Total Credits:
Lecture Credits:
This course serves as an introduction to the literary traditions of Latin America and Spain. You will read selected major canonical works of the Spanish-Language Literature's canon in all genres (poetry, essay, short story, novels and other narratives). In addition, you will learn literary analysis skills in Spanish to gain a greater appreciation of Spanish-Language literatures and also to familiarize yourself with how to approach literature from a critical perspective. This course prepares you for more specialized upper-level Spanish and Latin American literature courses.
Topical Outline:
1. Methods of literary analysis in Spanish
2. Exposure to literary genres including poetry, drama, and narrative
3. Impact of gender, race, class, ethnicity, and sexual orientation on Hispanic writers
4. Spanish literary periods covered will range from pre-modern Spanish literature to contemporary Spanish literature and cultural studies
5. Latin American literary periods covered will range from Colonial to modern 21st century Latin American and Latinx literatures and cultural studies
Learning Outcomes:
1. Produce effective writing in Spanish that demonstrates ability to reflect on literature, incorporates an advanced level of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge, and follows conventions of the field
2. Demonstrate knowledge and ability to analyze Spanish-language literary artifacts through the acquisition of critical reading skills
3. Articulate their own opinions in Spanish on a variety of cultural issues, problems and differences among Spanish and Latin American cultures
4. Dialogue and interpret the impact of sociopolitical, historical, and cultural aspects in Spanish-language literatures
SPAN 2215 or Instructor Approval
- Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts
- Goal 8: Global Perspectives