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College Physics 2 (PHYS 1132)

Total Credits: 5
Lecture Credits: 4
Lab Credits: 1

Description: This course is the second of a two-semester course sequence and is an algebra- and trigonometry-based course designed to familiarize the student with the physical phenomena underlying both the natural universe and human technology. Subjects include mechanics, heat and thermodynamics, wave phenomena, sound, physical and geometrical optics, electricity, magnetism, and postclassical physics. Many science-related programs, such as pharmacy, architecture and physical therapy, require a physics course of this type. This course also satisfies the physics requirement for some premed curricula. This course must be taken in sequence unless permission of the instructor is obtained. This course includes two hours of laboratory instruction per week. This course is also appropriate for liberal arts students seeking General Education credits.

Topical Outline:
1. Simple Harmonic Motion
2. Traveling Waves and Sound
3. Electric Charge, Force and Field
4. Capacitance, Current, Resistance and Circuits
5. Magnetism and AC Circuits
6. Electromagnetic Waves and Images

Learning Outcomes:
1. Apply knowledge of uniform circular motion to derive mathematical models for simple harmonic motion - apply these models to mass/spring systems, simple pendulums and physical pendulums
2. Apply knowledge of simple harmonic motion to develop mathematical models for traveling waves - apply these models to traveling waves in strings and sound waves
3. Apply knowledge of electric charge and field to solve physical problems involving forces and energy
4. Apply knowledge of capacitance, resistance, batteries, Ohm's Law and Kirchoff's Laws to solve physical problems involving DC and RC Circuits
5. Apply knowledge of Biot-Savart's, Ampere's, Lenz's and Faraday's Laws to solve physical problems involving changing Electromagnetic Fields and AC Circuits
6. Derive a mathematical model for traveling electromagnetic waves using Maxwell's equations for electromagnetism - use this knowledge, along with the Poynting vector and Huygen's Principle to solve problems involving electromagnetic waves and images.

Prerequisites:  PHYS 1131

  • Goal 3: Natural Sciences
  • Goal 10: People and the Environment