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Sound Arts

Award: Associate of Science
Total Credits for Award: 60.00


Minneapolis College's Sound Arts program will teach you to artistically produce and create quality sound, using the most current high-tech equipment and computer software available. The core of the program, the first of its kind in the Midwest, is a series of five comprehensive sound arts courses encompassing the physics of sound, analog and digital theory, and artistic form. Minneapolis College's experienced faculty also will provide extensive hands-on training, teaching you to operate electronic and digital equipment and encouraging you to develop your own creative vision. You will broaden your knowledge by studying sound arts history and literature, music theory and design, and the business of sound arts. The program will help you master the specific procedures for recording, manipulating and mixing sound in a studio. You will even learn how to design your own studio for professional work in music or sound design.





 ENGL 1110 or ENGA 1110

 College Composition


 MUSC 1150

 Fundamentals of Music


 SNDA 1310

 Sound Arts 1: The Nature and Control of Sound


 General Education

 Choose courses from any MnTC Goal Areas. At least 3 credits must be from MnTC Goal Areas 7, 8, 9 or 10









 CMST 1000


 CMST 2011

 Introduction to Communication Studies


 Small Group Communication


 SNDA 1320

 Sound Arts 2: Digital Principles of Sound


 SNDA 1360

 Sound Arts History and Literature


 *General Education

 Choose 3 credits from any of the MnTC Goal Areas


 Program Electives

 Choose 3 credits from the approved Program Electives list below





Program Elective Courses: Choose 3 credits from the list below




 CIST 1102

 Cinema History 2


 *CSCI 1500

 Introduction to Programming


 MUSC 1000

 Introduction to Music


 MUSC 1010

 American Popular Music 1: The History and Development of Jazz


 MUSC 1020

 American Popular Music 2: History and Development of Rock ‘n’ Roll


 MUSC 1060

 Introduction to World Music


 MUSC 1175

 Music Theory and Ear Training 1


 MUSC 2175

 Music Theory and Ear Training 2


 THTR 1131

 Theatre and Its Elements: Intro to Theater


 SNDA 1370

 Sound Design for Images


*CSCI 1500 does not meet an MnTC Goal Area and may not be offered every semester.





 SNDA 2330

 Sound Arts 3: Recording and Digital Production


 SNDA 2340

 Sound Arts 4: Form and Design in Sound


 SNDA 2370

 Project Studio Design


 *General Education

 Choose 6 credits from any of the MnTC Goal Areas









 SNDA 2350

 Sound Arts 5: Final Project


 SNDA 2380



 SNDA 2390

 Sound Arts as Business


 General Education

 Choose 6 credits from any of the MnTC Goal Areas





General Education Courses (30 Credits):

To earn the Sound Arts A.S. degree, students are required to successfully complete 30 credits of General Education coursework as follows: 

Nine credits of program-required General Education courses are required: CMST 1000 or CMST 2011, ENGL 1110 and MUSC 1150. An additional 21 credits of General Education electives must also be completed, and must include at least three credits from MnTC Goal Areas 7, 8, 9 or 10.

Within the 30 general education credits required for this program, coursework must be completed from at least six different MnTC Goal Areas.

Note: *CMST 1000 or CMST 2011 and ENGL 1110 satisfy MnTC Goal Area 1 requirement, and MUSC 1150 satisfies MnTC Goal Area 6.

All students pursuing this award should work closely with their advisor to ensure proper selection of required program courses, if applicable program electives, required Minnesota Transfer Curriculum courses, and MnTC electives. You are expected to meet with your advisor on a regular basis to ensure courses are taken in an order that will lead to efficient and successful completion of the required coursework.