Taking Classes
Academic Credits
There are three types of academic credits: lecture credits, lab credits and internship credits. For each credit type there is a required number of minutes that a student must be in the classroom, laboratory or working at an internship:
• 50 minutes per lecture credit per week;
• 100 minutes per lab credit per week; and/or
• 150 minutes per internship credit per week.
For example, a 3-credit lecture class that meets twice per week would meet for 75 minutes each class period (3 credits x 50 minutes ÷ two class sessions). To receive 2 credits for an internship, a student would need to work at the site for 300 minutes (five hours) per week.
Course Options
In addition to the extensive selection of traditional course offerings available each semester at MCTC, a student has a number of other educational opportunities available. See Academic Affairs Policy Earning Academic Credits MCTC Policy 3.02.
Online Courses
MCTC offers many of its courses fully or partially online. Those courses with laboratory requirements offer the lecture portion of the course online but require students to come to campus to work in the laboratory.
Students contemplating taking an online course are advised to take a personal inventory to assess their readiness for this method of learning. Beyond the equipment and Internet requirements (computer hardware and software, a printer with adequate capacity, and an Internet connection of sufficient reliability and speed), online students should be skilled independent learners with a demonstrated history of self-discipline to succeed in the course without face-to-face interaction with an instructor and student peers.
If the instructor believes that any student has violated the Student Code of Conduct (e.g., committed academic dishonesty) in an online course, the instructor may require the students to complete some or all of the course activities on campus. See MCTC Student Affairs Students Complaints and Grievance Policy 4.04.01.
Credit by Exam
As allowed in MCTC Policy 3.02, upon approval of an instructor and departmental dean, a student may earn credit for a course by taking an exam. Unless specifically prohibited by the award requirements, credits earned by exam may be applied to meet award requirements. Credits earned by exam are ineligible for financial aid.
Internships, Practicums and Clinical
Experience in the field is a mandatory component for some technical and liberal arts program awards and is optional for others. It is the student’s responsibility to know and observe all program guidelines and policies related to internships and clinical. Contact the program instructor or a counselor for more information.
Service Learning
A program or instructor may require, or provide as an option, student participation in a service learning activity. Participating in a service learning activity provides an opportunity for a student to apply in a community setting what he or she is learning in the classroom. This experience enhances and deepens learning for the student and provides some relief where there is an identified need in the community.
Credit for a service learning activity is based on an evaluation of learning via a method established by the instructor and not on the number of hours of service.
Education and Customized Training
An education doesn’t end with a diploma or degree—it prepares students for a lifetime of learning. Continuing to expand their skills and knowledge is the key that unlocks the door to success. Learning that engages the heart and soul and mind can keep one fulfilled in one’s work and personal life.
The mission of MCTC’s Continuing Education and Customized Training program is to advance economic development and community vitality by providing innovative continuing education, training, and personal enrichment courses to individuals and organizations throughout the Twin Cities metropolitan area.
We offer a spectrum of unique continuing education classes and programs to help students learn new skills, make career transitions, expand their perspectives on the world around them and explore their creativity and imaginations. We are committed to offering quality programs that promote professional and personal growth—now and in the future. Organizations and individuals have benefited from our courses and training programs in:
Arts and Culture
Business and Communications
Computers and Technology
Manufacturing and Skilled Trades
Science, Health and Human Services
When employers come to us for help in maximizing the potential of their greatest competitive advantage—their employees—we respond quickly, capably and affordably with training solutions to today’s business challenges. Visit www.minneapolis.edu/cect for course offerings, or call 612-659-6500
Evaluating Academic Performance
Class Syllabus
An instructor is required to provide to students a written syllabus on the first day of class that outlines:
Contact information for the instructor and his or her office hours;
Course objectives and procedures for reaching those objectives;
Standards for classroom participation, behavior and attendance;
Types of assignments and tests;
Due dates of assignments and policies on accepting late or inadequate work; and
Criteria for evaluating student work and grade determination.
Grading System
As outlined in MCTC Policy 3.08, the instructor of a course will evaluate each student’s performance relative to the established criteria for the course and assign one of the following grades:
• A—Superior (4 grade points per credit)
• B—Above Average (3 grade points per credit)
• C—Average (2 grade points per credit)
• D—Below Average (1 grade point per credit)
• F—Failure to meet criteria (0 grade points per credit)
• P—Pass with credit (No grade points, but credit granted)
• NC—No credit (No grade point, no credit given)
Some programs require that all course work must be completed with a grade of C or higher. Some programs require a letter grade of A–F for program course work. See specific programs for actual grade requirements.
Specific dates for changing a grade option or withdrawing are listed on the college website. If a student fails to withdraw from a course in which the student is no longer participating, the instructor will record an “F” for the student at the end of the term. See instructions on how to withdraw from a course and its potential impact on your academic progress.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
To calculate a cumulative GPA, divide the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credits taken for
a letter grade (A, B, C, D or F).
The grade point average and completion rate at MCTC determines academic standing. See MCTC Student Affairs Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy 4.13.
A minimum GPA of 2.0 in courses taken at MCTC is required for graduation.
Incomplete Grades
As permitted in MCTC Policy 3.08, a student may be granted an incomplete when the instructor believes there is a reasonable expectation that the student can complete the work for a course. An “I” will appear on the student’s transcript until a grade has been determined or the deadline to complete the work has passed.
The instructor and student should identify in writing expectations for completing the work. The deadline to complete coursework is determined by the instructor but may be no later than the end of the eighth week of the next semester, not including summer session. If the instructor has not submitted a letter grade by the eighth week of the next semester, a grade of “F” or “NC,” as applicable, will be entered by the Registrar’s Office.
Cancellation of a Class Session
In the event of an instructor’s illness, inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances, a class session may be cancelled. When possible, efforts will be made to contact students in advance.
College closings due to inclement weather or other emergencies will be announced on WCCO AM 830 radio, and will be posted on the college website.