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Information on the Healthcare Core Curriculum
Healthcare careers are many and varied. The Healthcare Core Curriculum is a standardized, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU)-approved curriculum that serves as a pathway in healthcare education that permits students to explore healthcare career options, provides basic knowledge and skills applicable in a wide range of healthcare and human service settings, and develops an awareness of workplace expectations.
The Healthcare Core Curriculum is intended to serve as a pathway to student decision-making regarding the suitability of a healthcare career or as prerequisite to healthcare majors that require completion of HCCC coursework prior to registration in program coursework.
The following MCTC healthcare majors require completion of the six credit Health Core Curriculum core courses (HCCC 1010 through HCCC 1100) before becoming eligible to register in the program coursework:
- Dental Office Support Personnel
- Central Services Technician
- Phlebotomy
The Healthcare Core Curriculum is composed of eight modules which provide basic knowledge and skills in the following areas:
Healthcare Career Opportunities (an overview)
- Roles of healthcare workers
- Licensure or credentialing requirements
- Behaviors suitable for the workplace
- Employer expectations
- Effective communication skills
- Respect for the diversity of staff and clients
- Awareness of client needs
- Legal and ethical implications in healthcare settings
- Safety issues in the workplace
- Medical terminology
- Care of families
- Personal wellness/stress management
What Should You Know When Considering a Healthcare Major
Since it is vital to maintain high standards in all health-related facilities, you should know that most healthcare majors require students to be criminal background checked and students must have a clear criminal background check in order to participate in coursework that requires placement in a healthcare facility. Many healthcare majors also require students to meet specific health and immunity requirements in order to participate in clinical and internship placements.