MCTC Academies
The Academy of Business and Service:
The Academy of Business & Service consists of programs of study where students achieve certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees that equip them for successful careers and further education in commerce and service industries.
Academy of Liberal Arts and Transfer
This Academy is designed to prepare students for transfer, either through the Minnesota Cooperative Admissions Program (MnCAP) for the University of Minnesota or through articulation agreements MCTC has with other four year institutions.
Academy of Manufacturing & Building Sciences
The Academy of Manufacturing and Building Sciences consists of programs of study where students achieve certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees that equip them for successful careers in manufacturing and building science professions.
Academy of Media and Technology
This academy prepares students who have interests in sound, cinema, photography, digital media and graphic or web design to work as part of a media or design team within small to large corporations or as independent entrepreneurs. The academy also provides important pathways for students to work in the ever-growing information technology arena, including specialties in software development, networking, information assurance and security, and mobile applications. In addition, this academy awards certificates and a degree leading to careers in the field of library technology.
Academy of Nursing, Counseling and Allied Healthcare
This Academy is designed to prepare students for employment in health care and counseling careers as well as transfer into four year institutions that offer health career and counseling career baccalaureate education.
Academy of Education & Public Services
This Academy awards certificates, diplomas and degrees leading to careers in the fields of education, law enforcement, community development, and fitness training.
Academy of Science & Mathematics
This Academy includes degree, diploma and certificate coursework for transfer and careers in science, engineering and math. This academy prepares students for higher learning and professions in fields such as research, mathematics and statistics, microbiology, nursing, biotechnology and physics.