Registering for Classes
Registration Process
Students register online through their e-services account. Computer terminals are available in the student computer labs and in Student Services Center (T.2200). The procedure and dates for class registrations vary depending upon the number of accumulated credits and whether a student is seeking an award. Refer to the college website for specific registration dates.
New Students
New students will be provided with an MCTC student ID number and Password and will register for classes at the New Student Orientation. Non-degree-seeking students will receive their MCTC student ID number and password in the mail after application.
Continuing and Returning Students
The registration dates for continuing and returning students will be determined according to the number of credits earned at the time of registration. Registration dates for upcoming terms will be posted to the MCTC website. Students can check e-services to find out when their online registration window will open. Students are encouraged to meet with a counselor/advisor for assistance in selecting courses for the next term.
Holds Affecting Registration
Students may check their e-services dashboard to determine if there are any holds associated with their record that will affect registration for the upcoming term. Common holds that affect registration include:
- Outstanding financial obligations to MCTC or any other MnSCU institution
- Academic suspension at MCTC or any other MnSCU institution
Adding and Dropping Classes
Full-term classes may be added and dropped by the student through the first five business days of the school term. The add/drop deadlines for short-term courses will vary; see the current online class schedule for course-specific information. MCTC Procedure 4.05.01.
The last day students can add or drop a course can be located within the class schedule by clicking on the course title. Dates to add or drop are listed under the Add/Drop/Withdraw section.
Special Exceptions:
• Classes that begin on a Saturday have a drop deadline of midnight the following Monday (business day)
Dropped classes do not appear on the student’s transcript, nor do they affect the Satisfactory Academic Progress percent of completion requirement.
Credit Load Limitations
A student may not take more than 19 credits per fall or spring term without permission from the Registrar’s Office and meet the criteria listed below. See MCTC Policy 4.05. It is recommended that students take no more than 10-12 credits per summer term. Students who meet the criteria below may request permission from the Registrar’s Office to exceed 10 credits for summer term.
To exceed the credit load limitation, you must meet at least one of the following criteria:
• A cumulative MCTC GPA of 2.75 or higher based on a minimum of 20 credits earned at MCTC
• A transfer GPA of 3.0 or higher based on a minimum of 20 credits earned at a single accredited post-secondary institution (a transcript will be required for verification)
• Other documented circumstances to support the request
It is strongly recommended that students considering exceeding credit load limits review their academic plans with an advisor.
Multiple Sections Prohibited
Students may not register for more than one section of a class. Students who register for multiple sections of the same course may be subject to discipline and will have their duplicate enrollments cancelled.
• Students who register in two or more sections of the same course will have the earlier registration removed. Students will be notified by mail.
• Students who register in two or more lab sections of the same course will have the earlier of the lab registrations removed, resulting in registration in only one lab. Students will be notified by mail.
• For courses requiring concurrent registration in lab and lecture, students who register in the lab only will have their registration removed without notice.
Course Cancellations
The Office of Academic Affairs reserves the right to cancel a course or course section after the schedule has been published if the vice president of Academic Affairs determines that it would be in the best interest of the College.
Students who registered for a course that has been cancelled will be notified via phone and mail.
A prerequisite is a requirement that must be satisfactorily completed before a student may enroll in another class or program. Examples of prerequisites include successful completion of a class, achievement of a specified grade in a class, test placement into a specified class, and program admission or instructor permission to enroll. Prerequisites are listed in the college catalog.
Students are responsible for completing any prerequisites listed for a course prior to enrolling in the course. Not meeting all course prerequisites will result in the student’s registration being blocked.
Students may register for a course if they are in the process of completing a prerequisite for a course to begin the next term. It is the student’s responsibility to cancel enrollment prior to the end of the drop/add period if the required course is not completed satisfactorily or the required grade for the next course in the sequence is not earned. Grades of fail (F), incomplete (I), or withdrawal (W) are all considered non-completion. Students who have not cancelled their enrollment for the next course may have the course dropped by the College.
Under special circumstances, students who have completed the placement requirement and had their official transcripts evaluated (applicable to all transfer students) may petition to meet a course prerequisite by other documentable means. See the Student Services Center (T.2200) to determine if special registration using a Prerequisite Screening Form will be allowed.
Non-award-seeking students may not take courses with placement or program admission requirements unless they have completed placement testing and/or had their official transcript evaluated. Non-award-seeking students are not eligible to receive financial aid for any courses in which they enroll.
Failure to meet prerequisites for a class may result in cancellation of enrollment in the course, denial of tutoring services for that class, dismissal of any grievance for that class and unsuccessful appeal of an academic suspension.
Taking a Class Pass/Fail
Students may elect to take a class on a pass/fail (P/F) basis. See MCTC Policy 3.08. The student must select a P/F option via the web. Instructions for web use and deadline dates for filing for the P/F option are listed on the college’s website.
No more than one-third of a student’s resident credit load may be “P” grades for certificate, diploma or degree credit. Classes that have an assigned grade of “P” are not included in these restrictions.
Students who choose the P/F option and complete the class with a grade equivalent to A, B or C will receive a “P” on their transcript. The “P” grade does not affect the grade point average (GPA). Students who complete the class with a grade equivalent to D or F will receive an “F” on their transcript. The “F” grade will affect the GPA.
Students who choose the pass/fail option will not be allowed to petition at a later date to have a letter grade entered on their transcripts.
Some MCTC programs do not accept “P” grades for particular classes. This information is available in the specific program brochures and course outlines. “P” grades may not transfer to another college or university and are at the discretion of the receiving institution. Please review each institution’s catalog for information on course transfer.
Auditing a Class
Students wishing to attend a course without receiving a letter grade may request to audit the course. Students wishing to audit a course must request an audit online. Deadline dates for filing the audit option are listed on the College’s website. Financial aid cannot be awarded for audited courses. PSEO students are not eligible to audit a course. Audited courses generally do not transfer to other colleges. Full tuition is charged for audited courses. See MCTC Policy 3.08A. Students must meet all prerequisites for the audited course.
Repeating a Course
Students in technical programs may, with permission from their advisor and the instructor, repeat any course. A student may repeat a course a maximum of two times. Liberal arts courses do not require permission to be repeated and may be repeated more than twice. Exception: Addiction Counseling required program courses may only be repeated once, and the practicums may not be repeated.
A course may be repeated for an improved grade. Only the highest grade earned will be counted toward certificate, diploma, or degree credit and in the computation of the overall numeric GPA. This policy applies to all grades, including “F” grades. Both the original and the repeated grade will appear on the student’s transcript. Tuition and fees will be charged each time. Students repeating a course will have their GPA recalculated at the end of each term by the Registrar’s Office. If the course was originally taken under the quarter system, the student should contact the Registrar’s Office, located in (T.2200) to have the GPA recalculated.
Financial aid will pay for repeated courses that a student does not pass. Once the student passes the course with a grade of “D” or higher, financial aid will pay for only one more repetition of that course.
Withdrawing from a class:
Students may self-withdraw by selecting the View/Modify Schedule menu item in eServices until eighty percent (80%) of the course has elapsed. This 80% point is known as the Last Day to Withdraw (from a class) and varies on the length of the course.
Full Term Courses: This is a standard date and published in the Academic Calendar each term. The date is also listed by course within the class schedule.
Short Term Courses: These dates vary according to the start date and length of the course. Refer to the class schedule for a specific date as determined by the 80% point.
More information is available here.
Procedure for Withdrawing
Cancelling a registration after the Last Day to Drop is known as a withdrawal. Students may withdraw online in eServices by published deadlines.
There are academic consequences to withdrawing from a course. A withdrawal:
- Is grade of “W” that does not affect a student’s GPA;
- Will appear on the student’s transcript; and
- Is calculated against the Satisfactory Academic Progress percent of completion requirement.
Withdrawing from a course does not guarantee a financial refund. Students who enroll in a course but never attend (or stop attending) are still financially responsible. (Please refer to college costs and refund policy.)
Deadlines for Withdrawing
Students can find the deadline to withdraw from a course on their schedule listed in eServices. The deadline is calculated as the eighty percent (80%) point of a course.
For full-term courses, the date is published as the Last Day to Withdraw and listed as part of the College Calendar.
Short-term courses vary in length and the 80% point occurs according to the date the course starts. Therefore, students are encouraged to review and note the dates on their schedule.
The last day to withdraw from courses can be located within the class schedule by clicking on the course title and is listed under the Add/Drop/Withdraw section.
PSEO students may change their registration on and after the first day of the term only with their PSEO advisor’s signature.
Students are expected to regularly attend classes in which they are enrolled and abide by MCTC Policy 4.05.01 Procedures for Changing Enrollment. Students who decide to stop attending courses should immediately drop/withdraw from their course(s). Students who fail to officially withdraw from a course (or courses) they are not attending, as defined by “Last Date of Attendance” (MCTC policy 4.16 Last Date of Attendance) may be administratively withdrawn from those courses. The student will remain responsible for any financial liability, less applicable refunds they have incurred, and for any academic consequences due to this administrative withdrawal.